A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Install instructions
If the game crashes on startup, please install the VC 2019 redistributable. Pick the vc_redist exe that matches your system.
After running the game, press Select, then F3.
Forum thread: http://aurora2.pentarch.org/index.php?topic=10149.0
The https://itch.io/app is strongly recommended if you plan to periodically check back for updates.
Windows users who don't wish to use itch's app: For first-time download, select Quasar4x-win64.zip. For subsequent downloads you may simply download Quasar4x-win64-no-media.zip and extract into your Quasar4x directory. Quasar4x-win64-no-media.zip also works as a standalone if you are not interested in graphics for races/planets/etc.